
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crazy Family Dinners

Monday night we all ventured out to Flying Burger for dinner. Luckily they were not very busy because we were kinda LOUD! They all had a good time though and kept the restaurant entertained..whether they wanted to be or not =)

I had to work today, so Charlee went to school. She has gotten to be a TERRIBLE napper at school, and I knew she was definitely going to need a nap today because she wanted to go to Grammy's to play with the boys when I picked her up. So I told her that if she didn't nap, she couldn't go over to play, and I told her teachers to use that as "bribery" for her too. When nap time came, she was being a little toot and wouldn't go to sleep. Her teacher told her she was going to go get the phone to call me and I wasn't going to let her go play this afternoon....she said she rolled right over, closed her eyes, and went straight to sleep! =)

Tonight we had a fun night at Larrys Pizza. The kids were very ready to play the games, but were surprisingly patient and waited for the pizza. Wellllll, all but this boy! He was READY for his food!

After they ate, the fun started. I think they all lasted on about $10, and had a ton of fun! Alex and Charlee had fun playing the games and winning tickets, Isaac had fun pulling all of the tickets out of the machine for them =)

Finally, Charlee showed them where the machine was to count their tickets. I'm pretty sure this was as much fun to them as playing the games. They ended up with almost 300 tickets, and Charlee has a on-going account there that had about 400 on it, so they got bubbles, a kite and a car for Isaac!

After all the Larrys Pizza fun, we came home and played outside for a little while before it was time for baths and beds!

Charlee is going to be one sad little girl when her cousins go back to Dallas =(

On a totally unrelated, just so I can remember it down the road, note...when I picked Charlee up from school today her teacher asked me if I was pregnant. Apparently, Charlee had been telling everyone that I was pregnant with a baby boy and we were naming him Gage! One of the little girls in her class has a baby brother named Gage, so the teacher asked if she was talking about them and she quickly replied "no! MY mommy is having a baby Gage!" Oh that girl! We never know what she is going to come up!

Im not working tomorrow and Grammy has plans for us to go to the library for "story time". I hope they are ready for us!!

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